July 7, 2016 Devanshi no responses

5 Ways to Win a Social Media War

Admit it. We have all been in a social media war.
Be it a Twitter war or a YouTube war or a Facebook comments war. And we all know that such “interactions” tend to get messy and ofttimes embarrassing. So here is how you win a social media war;

1 Be sophisticated
Yup I know. Sometimes things get heated and then it is hard to not sound vulgar and unsophisticated but THAT is how you show your superiority.
Anyone can be like
@!#@!!! This is completely **##@!# You are an……
But it automatically degrades your personality in front of anyone who reads your comment/ your “adversary”.
That is how you absolutely crush the worthless argument of that person!

2 Use facts
You should not think that something is right. You should freaking KNOW that something is right. Before making claims on social media, get your facts right. Do not make things up, take some pain, and do some research, because there is no loser as big as one who does not know what he/she is talking about.

3 Use proper grammar
Often while talking on social media people forsake all regard toward the English language. They start speaking in such terrible English that even though their point might be sensible it is not heard. Instead they lose respect as people start mercilessly bashing them for not using the proper grammar.
This applies for people writing in other languages as well.
Whatever language you use, you should make it a point that if you are to get a point across, you should say it with proper grammar.

4 Don’t be offensive
Now it is obvious that while being on social media people tend to be offensive. They do not think twice before writing something and then end up hurting the fragile sentiments of people. You should always know that Internet houses many peoples with their different castes, races, sexes, etc, and mocking their differences just makes you a bigot. Seriously, think about how you would feel if someone mocked YOU! By being sensitive towards the different peoples, you show a distinctive class that makes other people back your argument, that makes them get a profound respect for you; resulting in you winning the social media war.

And finally
5 Don’t lower your standard
It is often simple to go to the low standard someone else has dropped to, by being obscene and plain vulgar. But you should always remember that that is not how you win a social media war. Do not let what others say on social media affect you! Because always there are so many foolish, uneducated people on the Internet and going to their low standard is only going to make you a loser.

So that is how you get the triumphant feeling of having added your voice to a million others.

Thanks for reading. Hope this helps.

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Devanshi Gupta