

Devanshi has in her arsenal of published books two titles: Mysterious Mrs. Jain and The Secret of Volcanic Island. Both are children’s novels, belonging to the genres of mystery and adventure, respectively.

Her main protagonists are female teenagers and preteens often tempted by attractions of modern times such as mobile phones and tablets. Still, they are inquisitive and keen to resound against injustice. Devanshi has always donned the hat of a pantser, trusting the chaos of the moment to guide her along on her writing, but after realising the time-consuming nature of penning multiple drafts for a novel, she is currently giving plotting a shot. *Fingers crossed*

Currently, she is querying her young-adult fantasy novel, Dark Depths, and preparing a plotline for another fantasy novel. Hopefully, her next publications are not far away!

Devanshi Gupta