• Q- Where do you get the inspiration to write?

    A- I simply love to read books and have read since a small age. When I read other stories, plots and ideas start to formulate in my head, and I find myself eager to jot them down. Many people ask me where I get my wild ideas from; I simply get them out of my head. And I think the good work other authors do is the biggest inspiration for me. When I read what other authors have written and hear great stories about what these writers have achieved, I feel a sense of awe and feel inspired to write myself.

  • Q- Being a schoolchild, with so many burdens and attractions the modern world provides, how do you get the time to write?

    A- I find it quite easy to make time for something that I love to do. My main motivations are determination and a sheer love for writing. Many people are pretty shocked when they find out I have written a couple of books, simply because they think schoolchildren must be having such busy schedules. But when you sincerely like to do something, you just find the time to do it as well. I do all the stuff a normal teenager does; only, I do not do it in an excess, because I believe nobody can play video games, chat, or study all day long. And writing actually saves me from boredom many times.

  • Q- Who do you think are your greatest supporters?

    A- I have a whole lot of people who constantly provide their support and love for my writing. My parents have always been my backbone and have played many parts to help me. They are my beta readers, my editors, and supporters. I sincerely have no idea what I would do without them. I am also grateful to my publisher to give the 12-year-old novice a chance and shape my being. Then I would like to say that teachers have always encouraged me to write by improving my language and reading my works. My friends have been those people with whom I share my latest plot ideas and get honest opinions. My relatives too give me moral support and encouragement.

  • Q- When did you first begin to write? Did you ever think you would become a published author?

    A- I used to write short stories since a really young age. When I had barely any hold on language and could only knit up nonsensical fantasies, I still used to write. I can remember my 5-year-old self, taking a sheaf of papers and making up stories, along with illustrations, and, as a rule, a moral at the end. This was the time when my mother always used to narrate me and my brother bedtime stories, and I did not use to read anything.
    I could never have thought that I would become a published author. When I was small, I always used to picture myself as a world-famous artist or dancer. I never would have thought that I could produce material worthy of being published. Well, who knows what the future will bring . . .

  • Q- Is there going to be a sequel for The Secret of Volcanic Island?

    A- I would find it wrong to plainly say no when I might want to write a sequel in the future, but as of now I have rounded up the story and have no intention to write further.

  • Q- Are you working on a project currently? When will it come to the market?

    A6- I am currently working on an underwater adventure. I have prepared a draft of the story but am currently doing research and editing till I am satisfied. I do not want to rush into anything because I am trying to get this right. It might take some time for this novel to come into the market, but I assure you, it is going to be a good read.

  • Q- What do you plan on doing when you grow up? Will you take up writing as a full-time job?

    A- I have not really thought of what I would do in the future as the future is full of uncertainties and I do not want to decide my future right now. But I know that I will continue writing, maybe I will take up teaching if my writing is not enough to fetch me a satisfying livelihood. Then, maybe when I make enough money out of writing, I would want to take this profession up as a full-time affair, but as I said, I am too young right now to know for certain because I might change my mind later.

Devanshi Gupta